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May 3 – 29 2024

SoiL Thornton masc (All clownfish start off as male, but can switch to female when circumstances allow, for example, when the only female present dies or disappears. In a new study, researchers found that the male-to-female sex-change occurs first in the fish’s brain and only later involves the gonads sometimes after a delay of months or even years. “We discovered that when you pair two males together, they fight, and the winner becomes female,” said University of Illinois psychology professor Justin Rhodes. Common Clownfish names, Nemo, Marlin, Dory, Bubbles, Coral, Fin, Splash, Stripe.), 2024
Black Ocellaris (full bars) reference, acrylic paint, gesso and ink on wood panel
53 x 47 inches 134.6 x 119.4 centimeters
Black Ocellaris (full bars) reference, acrylic paint, gesso and ink on wood panel
53 x 47 inches 134.6 x 119.4 centimeters

SoiL Thornton all uses UV absorption to transition dark into less dark via glow (299,792,458 metres per second constant), 2024
Commercial grade chromakey paint, acrylic paint and Phosphorescent Green (glow in the dark) acrylic {which has ability to absorb and store natural and artificial light. When the light source is removed (i.e. : when the lights are turned off or the painted object is taken into a dark area), a bright, greenish glow is emitted for up to 15 minutes. The glow steadily diminishes as the stored light energy is released}, on wood panel
63 x 57 inches 160 x 144.8 centimeters
Commercial grade chromakey paint, acrylic paint and Phosphorescent Green (glow in the dark) acrylic {which has ability to absorb and store natural and artificial light. When the light source is removed (i.e. : when the lights are turned off or the painted object is taken into a dark area), a bright, greenish glow is emitted for up to 15 minutes. The glow steadily diminishes as the stored light energy is released}, on wood panel
63 x 57 inches 160 x 144.8 centimeters

SoiL Thornton approximation to shape shift in plane sight a burden, a gift, 2024
Pansies clipart images and royalty-free illustrations reference (brushed), Yellow Pansy Flower Clip Art Free PNG Image reference (sprayed), veins color matched by me, painted by Clara {acrylic paint, spray paint and commercial grade chromakey paint on wood panel}
48 x 72 inches 121.9 x 182.9 centimeters
Pansies clipart images and royalty-free illustrations reference (brushed), Yellow Pansy Flower Clip Art Free PNG Image reference (sprayed), veins color matched by me, painted by Clara {acrylic paint, spray paint and commercial grade chromakey paint on wood panel}
48 x 72 inches 121.9 x 182.9 centimeters

SoiL Thornton would censor (690 p), 2024
Wood blocks on wood panel
72 x 24 inches 182.9 x 61 centimeters
Wood blocks on wood panel
72 x 24 inches 182.9 x 61 centimeters
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