Your name
Nicole Wittenberg
Your current location
St. George, Maine
Your favorite pastime
What’s that?
Something you like
Pina coladas and getting caught in the rain
Something you dislike
Your defining characteristic
What would someone close to you say your defining characteristic is
My knowledge of Latin
Your favorite artist
All of them. Make art not bombs
Favorite word or phrase
None, say anything more then three times, it’s boring
What aspect of your work is most important to you
Making it
Who do you admire the most and why
Roy, because he’s a bird
Your worst habit
Responding to emails when I ought not to
The first thing you think of in the morning
Who’s that?
What have you always wanted to do and have not done
Swim the English Channel
Your best decision
To be a painter
Your worst decision
To be a painter
Your favorite street and why
Easy Street, just cause
What made you become the person you are
Fuck you
Something that you treasure
Fuck off
What would the child you once were think of the adult you have become
Fuck me
Your greatest fear
A global pandemic that causes a major economic meltdown?