Your name
Haley Mellin.
Your current location
Fairfax, CA.
Your favorite pastime
Something you like
Gardening a bit.
Something you dislike
People who disrespect the earth.
Your defining characteristic
I am trustworthy.
What would someone close to you say your defining characteristic is
Both complicated and simple at once.
Your favorite artist
Most of the dead ones, most of the living ones.
Favorite word or phrase
What aspect of your work is most important to you
Who do you admire the most and why
My namesake: Alex Haley. He wrote Roots.
Your worst habit
The first thing you think of in the morning
That I am awake and the work for the day.
What have you always wanted to do and have not done
Have a daughter.
Your best decision
Your worst decision
Not listening to my intuition.
Your favorite street and why
20 Willow Ave, it is home.
What made you become the person you are
My parents and the place I grew up.
Something that you treasure
My dad’s advice.
What would the child you once were think of the adult you have become
Your greatest fear
Not finishing certain land conservation projects.