Your name
Travis Fish
Your current location
Holcombe, Wisconsin
Your favorite pastime
Something you like
Ginger ale
Something you dislike
Your defining characteristic
What would someone close to you say your defining characteristic is
Your favorite artist
Offset, Bob Dylan, Picasso
Favorite word or phrase
Drip drip
What aspect of your work is most important to you
Keeping it fun for me
Who do you admire the most and why
Katherine Bernhardt has taught me so much. “You can get a lot done at 4am.”
Your worst habit
The first thing you think of in the morning
Is the painting dry yet?
What have you always wanted to do and have not done
Go to Tokyo
Your best decision
Art school
Your worst decision
Art school
Your favorite street and why
149th Street. It’s where I first lived when I moved to New York. Everyone sat outside. Made lots of friends. Shout out to my guy Nut.
What made you become the person you are
My imagination
Something that you treasure
My great grandfather's wallet from 1975 I found while I was using his old workshop as a studio. It was in perfect condition with his name inscribed. He passed away from a brain aneurism and never had the chance to use it, so I carry it everywhere I go.
What would the child you once were think of the adult you have become
Oh, that’s fun
Your greatest fear
We will continue to destroy the planet