Your name
Anne Marie Vieux
Your current location
Greenpoint, Brooklyn
Your favorite pastime
Wandering around cities and going to galleries/museums
Something you like
All the fine aged cheeses
Something you dislike
Pork chops, meat stew
Your defining characteristic
What would someone close to you say your defining characteristic is
Your favorite artist
Katharina Grosse
Favorite word or phrase
What aspect of your work is most important to you
Digital light
Who do you admire the most and why
My parents, hardworking and funny
Your worst habit
Playing with my hair
The first thing you think of in the morning
Did my cat throw up anywhere? Make coffee.
What have you always wanted to do and have not done
Traveled to Japan
Your best decision
I hope to find out soon
Your worst decision
Your favorite street and why
Willow Rock Rd, the street I grew up on always had a nice ring to it
What made you become the person you are
Finding my own way and leaving behind what no longer works for me
Something that you treasure
My fluorite crystal ball
What would the child you once were think of the adult you have become
Pretty cool
Your greatest fear
Losing touch